Did I see this on Sci-Fi or Tech T.V. or sumthing like that? Any wayz, great stuff keep it up.
Did I see this on Sci-Fi or Tech T.V. or sumthing like that? Any wayz, great stuff keep it up.
I don't usualy review, but when you got shit this funny on here, I have to man....That first thing you unlock with Caith Sith in it, that made me about piss myself it was so fucking funny!
Not to shabby
It wasnt bad, from the look of it you are a Final Fantasy 7 fan & a Kill Bill fan. Hm, well keep up the good work. Peace
That was great! I love how that girl looked ecally like Excel Excel. I would of never saw the end coming. I still rember the helment thing from Excel saga, lol that's great. Excel saga is the best anime ever! Any ways it was all pretty good, exspecially that animation...but the hippo wasn't realy all that humors like yall seem to think!
Ok it was funny as hell, I love those camra angles at the end, but no all if it's true, cus I live in Arkansas and I follow none of those things, in fact im a gothic kid, that kicks the shit out of the hunters so yeah.
It was good, but I didnt know the devil was metro sexual...I thought he was kinda buffed proved me wrong!
It was ok but point-less...oh and down with strawberry clock!!!
OMG that's a crappy review of someone who never submited a flash. But I'm still saying I love them.
Very good
But I wish Strawberry would of died!!!
Uh uh uh, I'd hit that!
Age 37, Male
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Joined on 1/30/03